I’m sure you’re aware of all the fuss over Nibiru or Planet X, but just in case you’re not, I’ll just give a quick summary; There are many researchers that have spoken about a giant red planet (about 8 times the size of Earth) which is supposed to be coming into our solar system very soon, passing close to the Earth and as a result causing massive global catastrophe. Zecharia Stichin is probably the most famous researcher to promote this theory and in his 1976 book, “The 12th Planet”, Stichin shared his discoveries on Nibiru and stated that it has a long elliptical orbit and reaches the inner solar system approximately every 3,600 years.
In recent times there has been a fair amount of hysteria over this planet and when it is going to “arrive”.
But Peggy Kane, in her 2006 video interview shared a very different perspective on this planet. She said it was not coming to destroy mankind, but was in fact coming to save mankind. Through her reverse speech and EVP research she concluded that it was being sent by “The One”, our true creator, to tear the Reptilian “Net” that surrounds Earth and free humanity. (for more information on this “Net” watch “The Moon Matrix” video, in the video section of this site).
But in the past few years Peggy has discovered that Planet X was in fact part of a “sting operation”, a deception, to trick the Reptilians into evactuating Earth and “loosening” their Net. Basically it wasn’t real. It was some type of holographic projection. (Again, if you haven’t listened to Peggy’s radio interview yet, then please listen to that first, before continuing with this post, otherwise you will struggle to understands the information here - Peggy Kane Radio Interview ).
If you are new to all this then it would be very easy to dismiss this all as nonsense. I understand that. But please don’t dismiss this without any further investigation. As Albert Einstein said; “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignornace”.
So what I want to do here is to conduct further reverse speech analysis into this subject and determine for sure if Peggy’s discoveries around Nibiru / Planet X are correct. Obviously I am 100% behind Peggy Kane and am not doing this to try and discredit her, I am simply wanting to add extra weight to her own discoveries. But, of course, I am open to all possibilities and will have an open mind regarding my own research on the subject. It is possible that Peggy has made mistakes. It can happen.
So, the first person I will use for the reverse speech analysis is Major Ed Dames. Ed Dames is an ex-US military major who worked in the secretive area of “Remote Viewing”, a technique used to “foresee” future events and gain information about distant locations. Ed Dames has spoken out in recent years about what he, and other remote viewers, have seen regarding a large planet coming close to the Earth and causing massive catastrophe.
tomado de la pagina web :www.humanitywinsilluminatilose.com/
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